My children crack me up. This morning Eliana had a friend come over to play. Since both my kids feel a need to pull out every toy and throw them on the floor before breakfast I suggested to her that she clean up her room before her friend arrives. To my surprise, when I got out of the shower I looked in the room and all the toys were gone from the floor. "Wow" I thought "She did it!" About a half an hour later, Tavian went to climb in his crib and this is what we found.
She had thrown half of the toys in his crib and the other half were shoved behind the door. I had to laugh.
And yesterday Tavian made me laugh too. While we were outside I decided to mow the lawn. (We have a push lawn mower so no loud noises or fast blades that could cut fingers off or send rocks flying at children's heads. It's nice for me because Julio is often so busy he can't do it and I don't want to leave the kids in the house for an hour while I mow). Tavian likes to "help" me push it around the yard and usually I'll push the outer parts of the handle while he pushes the inner parts of the handle. Well, apparently he decided he's big enough to do it on his own because after crossing the yard twice, he wanted to do the third row without me touching the lawnmower. He tried with all his might and the thing didn't budge an inch. So I stepped in and started pushing with him. He got mad and pushed my hands away so I let him try again. After a while I stepped in again to push with him and this time he got so mad he stormed off into the house and refused to come out to play. I laughed so hard my sides hurt. He has to do everything on his own lately, which means I find chairs scooted over to the shelves or sink and anything I do for him like pull up his pants, he has to slide them down and pull them up again himself.
12 years ago