Friday, December 26, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Five years ago I married the most handsome guy the world has ever seen. And tonight we went out for a nice little dinner and remembered all sorts of funny things from when we were dating and earlier in our marriage. I remember thinking he was too cute to not be stuck up. Lucky for me, Alyson made me go with her to say hi to him and I quickly realized what a nice guy and what a catch he really was. We were friends for almost a year before we started dating. And dating Julio was so much fun! We've had even more fun since we've been married and I've realized many times since then how lucky I am. Julio, you are my best friend, the most talented and motivated artist I know, a great spiritual leader for our family, the hardest worker, a loving and attentive father, a great example for our children, my perfect match, the funnerest person ever, rediculously smart, and the hottest guy I know! I don't know what I did to deserve you but I'm thankful and I'll keep you. Happy Anniversary Babe!


Anonymous said...

Oh, so sweet! Happy Anniversary! You two are made for each other--- everyone and anyone can tell that as soon as they see you together. May the next 5 years be as full of fun as the last 5!

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary Sopistoper Gopatrnoper and Jopulopio!