Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I'm worried about my Bubba right now. Yesterday morning he woke up with a swollen right cheek. I thought at first it was a bruise because he had been up fussing for a while the night before and we didn't know why. I thought maybe he bumped something in the dark. But it wasn't tender and I couldn't find any bruise or cuts inside his mouth. So when it looked a little worse this morning I took him to the doctor, hoping he'd laugh at me for being a silly overreacting mom and tell me it's just a bruise. The doctor ordered a blood test to check for infection, but he has no fever. He said it could be a food allergy but he hasn't eaten anything new or unusual for several days. The other possibility the doctor is looking at is Bell's Palsy, which is a temporary paralysis of face muscles on one side of the face for a few weeks or months. I questioned that too because I had Bell's Palsy and it paralyzed the entire side of my face and this is just the middle part, but apparently the nerve on the side of your face that swells and causes the paralysis divides into three branches so it is possible to just get it in on one third of one side of your face. Anyways, it's probably no big deal and I'm probably over worrying, but I wanted to ask for your prayers that he'll be okay.

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